Early Morning Zoomers

Meets Daily at 7:30am

AA Structure

Alcoholics Anonymous, AA,  is structured like an upside-down pyramid. At the top are the individuals.  You and I and recovered alcoholics like us.  We meet together in groups, so groups are the next level down.  Groups elect General Service Representatives, who meet at district meetings, so the district is the next level downp.  Districts elect District Committee members, DCMs, who meet at the State level.  So, the state, or "area" as it's called, is the next level down.  Representatives from each state attend meetings at the General Service Conference, a national level decision making body.  Finally, at the bottom, is The General Service Board, a permanent board of Trustees that make day to day decisions regarding AA.  There is also the General Service Organization, the GSO, which includes full time staff in New York City, who do the day to day business of the corporation.
