Early Morning Zoomers

Meets Daily at 7:30am

Minutes 2/25/2024

Chairperson Paul led the group in the Serenity Prayer and read Tradition
Two:For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority - a loving God
as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but
trusted servants; they do not govern.
Old Business
An ad hoc Comittee has been formed to review and update the role of the
Co-Host. The Committee will present its proposals when ready. Committee
members include Ron, Liz, Michael A, and Jeff.
New Business
Michael A motioned that we read Chapter 3 excerpts on Saturdays instead of
How it Works to allow for more time sharing. The motion was seconded and
passed unanimously.
Secretary Report: The minutes from 1/28/24 meeting were posted on the
website. One correction was noted that “GSO” should be “GSR” . The report
was approved.
Treasurer’s report: See attached which was presented by Linda.
- Prudent reserve of $300
Available bal $. 85
The Treasurer’s report was accepted without exception.
GSR Report: Paul reports that the Tri-fold Brochure for District 19 is now
available and he has some hard copies. Alternate GSRs was discussed at the
last GSR meeting. Fred gave a presentation on the AA Hotline. The GSR report
was accepted without exception.
Books & Coins Report: John P reports he has not received many requests lately
for books or coins. The report was accepted without exception.
Grapevine Report: No report
Website Report: Herb reports that the list of New members and anniversaries
on the Website has not been used or updated. Herb motioned that those two
items be removed from the website menu. The motion was seconded and
passed with 14 ayes, and one abstention.
Meeting adjourned at 8:58 am. Next Business Meeting will be March 24, 2024.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Deb.
