GSR Terry Z opened the meeting at 8:35. After a brief introduction, Terry opened the floor to motions.
Linda Z moved and Herb seconded that the term of officers be 2 years. After discussion, Terry called for the vote and the motion passed.
Herb moved and John A. Seconded that the acting officers be made official officers. They are Terry Z, GSR, Ashley, Treasurer, and Herb, Secretary. After discussion, Terry called for the vote, and the motion passed.
Herb moved and Lisa seconded that two new positions be created; Coins and Books Chair and Service Chair. After discussion, Terry called for the vote and the motion passed unanimously.
Ashley nominated and Linda seconded that Keri become the Coins and Books Chair. After discussion, Terry called for the vote and the nomination passed unanimously.
Herb nominated and Linda seconded that Jeff H. be the Service Chair. After discussion, Terry called for the vote and it passed unanimously.
Herb moved and Sarah seconded that the new group be called Early Morning Zoomers. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
Terry moved and Sarah seconded that the next business meeting be held October 10, 2021. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
Linda Z. moved and Herb seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously.
Terry adjourned the meeting at 9:35.
Respectfully submitted, Herb S.