Early Morning Zoomers

Meets Daily at 7:30am

Minutes 7/23/2023 Business Meeting

Minutes July 23 2023 Business Meeting Early Morning Zoomers.

Chairperson Paul opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer.

He then read the 7th tradition: “Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”

He thanked Michael and Fred for their work on the group inventory.

Old Business:

Paul moved the group change the Friday meeting to a beginner’s meeting, possibly using Living Sober. Alice Seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

New Business:

Mihael moved that in two meetings we read the first five paragraphs of Chapter 3 of the Big Book, and then the last two paragraphs of the same chapter.  Herb Seconded the motion.  Herb moved we table the motion until then next meeting.  Linda seconded the motion. And it passed unanimously.

Alice moved we read just the 12 steps instead of the entirety of How It Works. The motion died for lack of a second.

GSR report.  Paul suggested the members check ct-aa.org for information on upcoming events. District 19 is looking for a representative to serve on the Area 11 Answering Service Committee.

Secretary’s Report.  No report.

Treasurer’s Report:  See Attached.

Liz moved we donate up to $300 to the EMR’s picnic depending on the committee’s need.  Linda seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Herb moved we reduce the prudent reserve from $600 to $300.  Linda seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Coins and Books.  None

Service Chair.  Need to be looking for service people to replace people whose terms are expiring.

Liz moved we adjourn.  Linda seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Title. Early Morning Zoomers Treasurer’s Report 

Bank Balance 6/30/23 Statement                                      $1766.63

Deposits -      $170.00

Expense -        23.39 Mary; BB Amazon

Outstanding Check  220.

Subtotal -                               $1693.24

Prudent Reserve                   - 600.00

Available Balance -                          $1093.23

Notes:  Will make Donation for EMR/EMZ picnic, not over $300.  Approved.

              Will be making Second Quarter Donations to GSO, Area 11, District 19
