I. Paul B. opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer and the reading of the 1st Tradition: “Our common welfare should come first: personal recovery depends on A.A. unity.”
II. Old Business. none.
II. New Business.
A. Michael A. moved that he give a presentation next month on "group inventories." Herb Seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
B. Alice moved that the the sobriety time for chair-people be reduced from one year to six months. Herb seconded the motion and it passed six for, 4 against and four abstentions.
III. Secretary's Report. Herb asked for additions, corrections and omissions to the December minutes. Linda Z moved that the December Treasurer's report be amended to reflect a check to District 19 for $490.89 instead of 388.05 as reported in the minutes, leaving a balance of $370.01 instead of $472.05. Liz seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Fred moved that the amended Secretary's report be accepted. Terry seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
IV. Treasurer's Report. Linda Z. reported that the transition from Ashley as Treasurer to her is progressing well. The group has a new checking account at the Guilford Saving Bank and new Venmo and PayPal accounts are in the works. Linda thanked Ashley and Herb for their service as Treasurer and alternate Treasurer. Alice moved the report be accepted. Terry seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
V. GSR's Report. Paul B. reported that the new District 19 (Branford, East Haven and North Branford) is filling service commitments, but there are still vacancies. Anyone interested in doing service on the District level can contact him at 203-671-0254. Terry moved the GSR's report be accepted. Alice seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
VI. Coins and Books Report. no report.
VII. Service Chair Report. Jeff reported that the service grid is being updated and will soon be current. Terry moved the report be accepted. Alice seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
VIII. Grapevine Report. None
IX. Liz moved the meeting be adjourned. Terry seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 9:14.
Early Morning Zoomers, EMZ Monthly Treasurer's Report Jan. 29, 2023
Statement period December 9, 2022 - January 10, 2023
Beginning Balance: $1460.90
Contribution to District 19 $490.89
Income: 00.00
Ending Bank Balance: $970.01
Minus Prudent Reserve: $600.00
Minus outstanding checks: 00.00
Balance available for distribution: $370.01