I. GSR/Chairperson Terry Z. opened the meeting at 8:35am and led the group in The Serenity Prayer and the reading of the 3rd Tradition: The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking.
II. Secretary's Report. Herb S. asked if there were any corrections to the February minutes. There being no corrections, Herb asked for a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as submitted. Mary moved the minutes be accepted. Brian seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
III. Treasurer’s Report. Ashley gave the February report (see attached). There being no questions or comments, Terry asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Herb so moved. Mary seconded it and it passed unanimously.
IV. GSR Report. Terry reported that he attended the March 17 District 4 meeting. Topics discussed included redistricting and printing meeting books. One point of information given was that the district has approximately $27,000 in their treasury. Part of the redistricting conversation involved how the treasury will be divided between the new districts. No decisions were made at the meeting. Herb moved that the GSR report be accepted as submitted. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
V. Coins & Books Report. Keri reported that the coins and books department is sending out coins and working on inventory. Mary moved the report be accepted. Lisa seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
VI. Service Chair Report. Jeff reported that the service commitments are all going smoothly and that he plans to announce at meetings when service commitment terms are ending so replacements can be found in a timely fashion. For this meeting he announced that the Saturday morning chair term ends April 2, so we will need a new chair for Saturdays. Mary moved the Service Chair report be accepted. Brian seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
VII. Grapevine Report. Mary brought up the undecide matter of putting the Grapevine on the website somehow that doesn't violate copyright laws. There are free articles that might be legally reprinted. She also revisited the suggestion of running a raffle for a Grapevine subscription. Ashley moved we put a link on the website that links to the Grapevine web page so members can study access options themselves. Herb Seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mary moved that we table the matter of the Grapevine subscription raffle until next month so she will have more time to study our options. Ashley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Sue moved and Tommy seconded that the report be accepted. The motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Old Business. Jeff brought up last month's discussion about changing security measures. He then moved that our security issues not be changed at this time. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
IX. New Business:
A. Jeff moved that the term of speaker seeker be twelve weeks and that the term run concurrent with the Chairperson's term. Alice seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
B. Alice moved that we send anniversary coins for three, six , nine months and then annually. Herb Seconded the motion. Ashley moved the motion be amended to read that coins be sent for every month and every year, and that we keep in stock five of each month and two of each year. Alice seconded the motion and it passed unanimously
C. Jeff suggested changes to the script that would instruct chairpersons to verbally offer Big Books to newcomers and coins for anniversaries if there are any. After some discussion, Herb moved the matter be tabled. Alice seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
D. Alice requested that the matter of cross-talk be added to next month's agenda. Terry asked her to have a motion ready for the members to discuss.
Mary moved the meeting adjourn. Ashley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously at 9:25.
Respectively submitted.
Herb S., Secretary.
March 2021 Early Morning Zoomers Treasurer’s Report
Previous Balance: $1757.77
Disbursements: 1155.55 ($462.23 to District 4, $346.66 the Area 11 and $346.66)
Collected: 0
Expenses: $9.99
Balance: $592.23