Early Morning Zoomers

Meets Daily at 7:30am

Minutes 7/24/2022 Business Meeting


8:33 Terry Z. opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer, and the 7th tradition.

In light of last months minutes being available for all to review on the groups website, Mary made a motion to accept last months minutes,

Ashley seconded and all were in favor—minutes approved

Treasurers Report for June/July—Ashley

Beginning balance $1188.85

Income:  $791.84


     $300. picnic

     $9.99 bank fee

Contributions:  $582.12

     $291.06 sent to Area  30%

     $291.06 sent to GSO  30%       

     $0.00 to District 4  ($388.08 held in escrow for the new district)

Ending balance $1088.08

Mary made a motion to accept treasurers report

Fred seconded report approved unanimously

GSR Report— Terry Z.

Shared the benefits of redistricting, made mention of new GSRs coming on and being brought up to speed on the workings of the district and why the wheels creating change need to move slowly.  Fred expounded on redistricting and shared the multi step process of going from a district with 250 meetings to one ideally with 12 or 13 districts, but looks like will be 10-11 districts as each district needs a DCM (district committee member), and with so many meetings lacking GSRs (general service representative), and GSR is a suggested service commitment before becoming a DCM-for logistics sake 10 working districts looks promising. Fred also put in a suggestion for members to take on service positions at the district level once they’re established in AA. Also, please refer to redistricting map on last months minutes.

Mary made a motion to accept GSR report, Ashley seconded-all in favor

 Coins and Books Report—Keri

All going well. Fred offered a stocked box of coins he got from a group that ended. Keri declined as she’s fully stocked.

Mary made motion to accept, Lisa seconded-all in favor

Service Chair Report— Jeff 

Jeff is still looking for co-hosts for Mondays and Fridays. While many of the regulars already doing service have volunteered to cover if need be, he is looking for ways to encourage newer members and those in need of service, (like the proverbial coffee job), to take the positions. Discussion ensued should there be requirements for co-hosts or more like a coffee job etc. and it was put forward for new business. Taylor offered to be back up co-host anytime. Ashley made a motion to accept Jeff’s report, Mary seconded-all in favor

Grapevine Report—Mary

No new information, the link is still live from EMZoomers website to Grapevine’s.

Jess made motion to accept, Dawn seconded—all in favor

Old Business

Terry read minutes from July 3rd emergency meeting. Decision made to disable chat from 7:30-8:30am to minimize harassment potential, chat through hosts and co-hosts to share phone numbers etc. Discussion ensued, appears to be working well-still not perfect, but hosts and co-hosts do an amazing job at keeping an eye on suspicious members lurking. Discussion continued around importance of anonymity for the newcomer to keep video off and have no identifying info, and group members feeling safe.

New Business

Proposed that we offer break out rooms after the meeting. Similarly to the 5:30pm Happy Hour meeting, one for women, and one for men, or stay on for co-ed chit chat. Discussion of how hosts/co-hosts would handle this.  

Ashley made a motion to try a couple between now and next months business meeting, Brian seconded, 6 in favor, one abstained.  

Herb raised reaffirming service commitments as new business, since he’s absent pushed to next month.

Ashley made a motion to adjourn 9:29

Fred seconded

All were in favor!

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa U
