Proposal for Beginners Meeting topics: Fred made a motion that it is suggested to the chair of the Beginners meeting to refer to the AA pamphlet about Running a Beginner’s Meeting. The motion was seconded and then passed unanimously.
Paul raised the motion from last month’s meeting to eliminate the Waiting room at the beginning of each meeting. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Our Prudent Reserve: Linda made a motion to lower our Prudent Reserve from $600 to $300. Herb seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Alcathons: Herb moved that we donate $50 to each of the 3 Holiday Alcathons (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s). Lisa seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Paul moved that twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays an excerpt from Chapter 3 of the Big Book, will be read in place of How it Works. The motion was seconded. Michael A read the excerpt and discussion of the motion followed. The motion passed with 13 ayes, 1 opposed.
GG moved that a small group develop a proposed structure and format for the weekly Beginners meeting. The proposal will be presented in a future Business Meeting. Fred seconded the motion and discussion of the motion followed. The motion passed with 7 ayes, 4 opposed, 1 abstained.
Paul moved the group change the Friday meeting to a beginner’s meeting, possibly using Living Sober. Alice Seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mihael moved that in two meetings we read the first five paragraphs of Chapter 3 of the Big Book, and then the last two paragraphs of the same chapter. Herb Seconded the motion. Herb moved we table the motion until then next meeting. Linda seconded the motion. And it passed unanimously.
Liz moved we donate up to $300 to the EMR’s picnic depending on the committee’s need. Linda seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Herb moved we reduce the prudent reserve from $600 to $300. Linda seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Group inventory. The group voted to have an in-meeting group inventory for one week from 8:00 to 8:15 starting Sunday May 28 and ending Friday June 2
The group voted to adopt the new meeting script proposed by the Meeting Opening Script Subcommittee.
Group inventory. Fred is the facilitator and Michael the recording secretary. We have decided on the questions. They are on the website. Herb will place the questions in a form members can fill out at their leisure. Fred moved we allow a month for people to fill out the form. Motion passed.
Herb moved and Alice seconded a motion that the group use the group inventory questions posted on the website plus an additional question to address addition concerns of the members. The motion passed unanimously.
Liz nominated Fred to be Group Inventory Facilitator. Michael seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Alice nominated Dawn to be the new group Secretary. Paul called for the vote and her election was unanimous.
Mary moved and Herb seconded a motion that the Chairperson's script be changed to include " Is anybody counting days?" The motion passed unanimously.
Fred moved that the eight tickets the group has bought for the Gratitude Breakfast be distributed on a first come first serve basis. Herb seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Herb moved and Fred seconded the Early Morning Zoomers conduct a Group Inventory and that the process be carried out outside the monthly business meetings. Michael A explained what a group inventory is and explained that the process is described in detail on the group website. Discussion ensued, Paul B called the question and it passed unanimously.
Herb moved that the Early Morning Zoomers separate the positions of Chairperson and GSR. Linda seeconded the motion. Discussion ensued and the motion passed 9 to 5. Lisa U presented the minority opinion. A new voted was taken and the motion failed 8 to 1.
Herb moved that the positions of Secretary and Webmaster be separated and they both be Officer level positions. Jeff seconded the motion. Discussion ensued and the motion passed 9 to 1.
Michael A. moved that he give a presentation next month on "group inventories." Herb Seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Alice moved that the the sobriety time for chair-people be reduced from one year to six months. Herb seconded the motion and it passed six for, 4 against and four abstentions.
Fred moved that Linda Z. become the new Treasurer of the Early Morning Zoomers. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Herb Moved that the Traditions meeting be moved from Friday to Thursday and the commitment time period be changed to fifteen weeks. Lisa seconded the motion and it passed.
Lisa moved that the change take place December 1. Mary seconded the motion and it passed.
Alice moved that the group donate $200 to the Thanksgiving Alkathon. Mary seconded the motion and it passed.
Terry moved that the group send a representative to the alkathon planning meetings. Herb Seconded the motion and it passed.
Fred nominated Paul B. to be the group's new GSR starting January 1. Lisa seconded the motion and it passed.
Mary moved that Keri's number be posted in the Chat every meeting for that purpose. Herb Seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Herb S moved that the Early Morning Zoomers group instruct Terry to vote for the redistricting of District 4. Denise seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Herb moved that the agenda be adjusted so that New Business be discussed first. Fred seconded thee motion, and it passed unanimously.
Fred asked that the group allow Terry to attend that meeting and vote for the redistricting. Herb seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Herb moved that the group try breakout rooms for two months on a trial basis and the the chairperson’s script be changed accordingly. Liz seconded the motion and it passed with six yays to one nay.
Herb moved that Fred be allowed to use our email list to send out requests for volunteers for service commitments for the new district when it forms. Lisa seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Jeff moved that there be no sobriety time requirement for co-hosts. Lisa seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Proposed that we offer break out rooms after the meeting. Similarly to the 5:30pm Happy Hour meeting, one for women, and one for men, or stay on for co-ed chit chat. Discussion of how hosts/co-hosts would handle this.
Ashley made a motion to try a couple between now and next months business meeting, Brian seconded, 6 in favor, one abstained.
Herb moved that the group instruct the treasurer to divide the treasury balance over our prudent reserve 40% to the district, 30% to the Area and 30% to the GSO, that the contributions to the Area and the GSO be sent and that the amount designated for the District be held until such a time that the group decides how and when to distribute it. Lisa seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mary moved that the group donate an amount equal to half the seed money needed for the EMR August picnic up to a maximum of $300. Bryon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Keri suggested that the group appoint timers to gently suggest to members when their shares go over a certain amount of time. Herb moved that the subject be tabled until the July meeting to give members time to discuss the matter between themselves. Lisa seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
There was discussion on second quarter contributions. Lisa moved and Herb seconded that the matter be tabled until the June meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
Jeff reported that the service commitments are all going smoothly. He announced that Chairperson commitments are turning over on April 28 for Thursdays, May 4 for Wednesdays, May 15 for Sundays and May 20 for Fridays. He then moved that the Chairperson's script be changed as follows:
Our group provides free Big Books for newcomers and anniversary coins. In the chat column is a link to this group's website which has information about this group as well as tips and tools for staying sober in A.A.
{Chairperson - inform any newcomers that they can receive a free Big Book by mail. Ask any anniversarians if they would like a coin by mail. Pass along pertinent info to Book and Coin Chairperson}.
Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mary announced that the idea for a Grapevine raffle had been abandoned for lack of interest. She then moved that a link to the Grapevine website be put on the EMZoomers.com website so members can access the free material there. Alice seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Ashley moved we put a link on the website that links to the Grapevine web page so members can study access options themselves. Herb Seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mary moved that we table the matter of the Grapevine subscription raffle until next month so she will have more time to study our options. Ashley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Jeff brought up last month's discussion about changing security measures. He then moved that our security issues not be changed at this time. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Alice moved that we send anniversary coins for three, six , nine months and then annually. Herb Seconded the motion. Ashley moved the motion be amended to read that coins be sent for every month and every year, and that we keep in stock five of each month and two of each year. Alice seconded the motion and it passed unanimously
Jeff suggested changes to the script that would instruct chairpersons to verbally offer Big Books to newcomers and coins for anniversaries if there are any. After some discussion, Herb moved the matter be tabled. Alice seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Sue moved we eliminate the waiting room. There was discussion and the motion died for want of a second. Ashley moved that Sue's motion about the waiting room be tabled until the next business meeting, and that the floor remain open to motions on how the waiting room process might be bettered if the group decides to keep it. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Ashley moved that the group contribute $462.23 to District 4, $346.66 the Area 11 and $346.66 to the GSO, leaving $600 in the treasury as a prudent reserve. Herb seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Terry brought up the matter of posting Grapevine articles to the website. Dan A. reported he has been in touch with the Grapevine office. They would like us to request permission to reprint Grapevine articles on the website. Discussion ensued without consensus on a resolution. Herb moved that the matter be tabled until such a time that Mary, our Grapevine Representative, is present. Taylor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Ashley then moved that the Chairperson of the speaker meeting introduce the speaker each week unless he/she assigns the introduction to someone else. Keri seconded the motion and it passed.
Ashley, by proxy, gave the November report (see attached). She asked if we should contribute to the District, GSO and Area now or wait until March, given that our balance above the prudent reserve is low. Fred moved that we wait until March. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
It was suggested that the Chairperson’s script be changed to include a line asking celebrants to put their physical address in a private chat to the Chairperson or Keri if she is present, if they would like a coin. The suggestion was accepted by acclimation without dissention.
It was suggested that a new email address, booksandcoins@emzoomers.com, be created that would forward books and coins information to Keri. The suggestion was accepted by acclimation without dissention.
Alice moved that a new list, without password protection, be added to the website that would include just names and anniversaries. Sue seconded the motion and it passed unanimously
Herb suggested that a suggestion be added to the Chairperson’s script that members who wish can add their names to that the anniversary list by way of the form on the website. The suggestion was accepted by acclimation without dissention.
Ashley moved that the group buy five Big Books from the GSO for distribution to newcomers and that we also buy 2 each of 24 hours, 1 month, three month six month, nine month coins, and two each of anniversary coins from 1 year to fifty years. Discussion ensued. Lisa seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Ashley suggested that the group determine a prudent reserve and send the balance every month, 40% to the district, 30% to the area and 30% to the GSO. Ashley said that Zoom subscription, PO Box, coins and books might add up to $200 a month. The traditional prudent reserve is three months expenses, so our prudent reserve would be $600. Ashley moved that the group establish a $600 prudent reserve and that the account balance be sent to the district, the area and the GSO in the percentages explained above. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Taylor moved that the group create a membership list that would include name, email and anniversary date. Ashley seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Terry called the question and the motion passed unanimously.
Ashley moved that the group hold business meetings on the first Sunday after the third Thursday every month starting with October. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Linda Z moved and Herb seconded that the term of officers be 2 years. After discussion, Terry called for the vote and the motion passed.
Herb moved and John A. Seconded that the acting officers be made official officers. They are Terry Z, GSR, Ashley, Treasurer, and Herb, Secretary. After discussion, Terry called for the vote, and the motion passed.
Herb moved and Lisa seconded that two new positions be created; Coins and Books Chair and Service Chair. After discussion, Terry called for the vote and the motion passed unanimously.
Ashley nominated and Linda seconded that Keri become the Coins and Books Chair. After discussion, Terry called for the vote and the nomination passed unanimously.
Herb nominated and Linda seconded that Jeff H. be the Service Chair. After discussion, Terry called for the vote and it passed unanimously.
Herb moved and Sarah seconded that the new group be called Early Morning Zoomers. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
Terry moved and Sarah seconded that the next business meeting be held October 10, 2021. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
Under New Business, Herb moved that the EMR Online Group separate from the EMR Live Group that meets daily at the Branford Baptist Church, that they obtain their own group number from the GSO, that they choose a new name, and that they form a new treasury. Molly seconded the motion.
Member #1 asked the reasoning behind the motion. Herb explained that the two groups are in many ways operating like two different groups already, but are sharing the same officers. This puts undo strain on the officers as they have to work for both groups, attend two sets of business meetings, keep track of two sets of contributions, and to try reconcile the two groups’ differences of opinion.
Discussion ensued.
Ashley, the current EMR Treasurer, explained that she is no longer able to be Treasurer for both the live group and the online group as it takes up more time than she has. She is willing to act as Treasurer of the online group until elections can be held, and would oversee the transfer of the current treasury to the EMR Live Group and set up the Treasury infrastructure for the new group. She has talked to Bernie at the live meeting about this and he believes he is able to take over the Treasurer duties for the live meeting.
More discussion ensued.
There being no further debate, Terry asked for a vote at 9:15am and the motion passed ten for, no against, and two abstentions.