I. GSR Terry Z. opened the meeting at 8:35am and led the group in The Serenity Prayer.
II. Secretary's Report. Herb S. asked if there were any corrections to the December minutes. There being no corrections, Herb asked for a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as submitted. Fred moved the minutes be accepted. Ashley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
III. Treasurer’s Report. Ashley gave the February report (see attached). There being no questions or comments, Terry asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Mary so moved. Alice seconded it and it passed unanimously.
IV. GSR Report. Terry reported that he attended the February 17 District 4 meeting. The district voted to start hybrid meetings with the April 21 meeting; the physical part at the Elks Club in West Haven. Also, the district is asking AA members to announce at the meetings they go to, that the district is asking all groups to send GSRs to district meetings. Getting most groups represented at the district level will facilitate District 4 redistricting efforts. Tom moved the report be accepted. Herb seconded the motion and is passed unanimously.
V. Coins & Books Report. No report.
VI. Service Chair Report. Jeff reported that the service commitments are all going smoothly and that he plans to announce at meetings when service commitment terms are ending so replacements can be found in a timely fashion.
VII. Grapevine Report. There was discussion about putting the Grapevine on the website. Sue suggested the group raffle Grapevine subscriptions. No motions resulted from those discussions. Sue moved and Tommy seconded that the report be accepted. The motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Old Business. There was no old business.
IX. New Business:
A. Sue moved we eliminate the waiting room. There was discussion and the motion died for want of a second. Ashley moved that Sue's motion about the waiting room be tabled until the next business meeting, and that the floor remain open to motions on how the waiting room process might be bettered if the group decides to keep it. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
B. Ashley moved that the group contribute $462.23 to District 4, $346.66 the Area 11 and $346.66 to the GSO, leaving $600 in the treasury as a prudent reserve. Herb seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
C. Ashley opened a discussion on how the group might financially help members under financial duress. She will explore options and report back to the group.
D. Fred P. announced that Area 11 will have a conference on April 3 to discuss ideas to send to the AA Annual GSO Conference. On April 9, Area 11 will have a roundup on AA and Al-anon history. Details can be obtained from Fred P.
Jeff moved the meeting adjourn. Herb seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Respectively submitted.
Herb S., Secretary.
February 2021 Early Morning Zoomers Treasurer’s Report
Previous Balance: $812.77
Disbursements: 0
Collected: 945
Balance: 1757.77
Prudent Reserve: 600