Early Morning Zoomers

Meets Daily at 7:30am

Minutes 4/21/24 Business Meeting

Chairperson Paul led the group in the Serenity Prayer and read Tradition Four: Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole.

Old Business

The Newcomer’s Package is on the website with contact numbers and selected brochures. The group discussed the benefit of sending brochures in the mail which would involve a service position.  We need to also indicate that we can send a Big Book to newcomers. 

It was discussed that in meetings in which a newcomer attends, that our common practice has been a same gender member invites the newcomer to join the breakout room after the meeting, while also inviting other same gender members to join. In the breakout, more 1-1 support and guidance can be given to the newcomer, as well as member phone numbers.

Next Month, an update will be given by the ad hoc Committee.

New Business

Alternate GSR: Paul asked if anyone would volunteer to act in the role of alternate GSR.  John P volunteered for the position and was accepted by the group.

Secretary Report:  The minutes from 3/24/24 which were submitted by Jan (in Deb’s absence) were posted on the website. The report was accepted without objection.

Treasurer’s report:  See attached which was presented by Linda.

A motion was made to donate $100 to the Gratitude Breakfast. It passed unanimously.

The Annual Picnic in August and associated costs will be on next Month’s agenda.

The Treasurer’s report was accepted without objection.

GSR Report: Paul reports that there is currently no DCM or alternate DCM. Candidates must have 4 years continuous sobriety.

Spring Assemby for Area 11 is coming up.

Multiple sober events are posted on our website under CT. Events. Included are the Sober Fest in June and the Light and Lively group anniversary celebration.

The GSR report was accepted without objection.

Books & Coins Report: No report

Service Chair Report: Ron reports that all positions are filled. The co-host position is looser now but working out well. The report was accepted without objection.

Grapevine Report: No report

Meeting adjourned at 8:59 am. 

Next Business Meeting will be Sun, 6/2, 2024.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Deb.
