- Chairperson Paul B. opened the meeting at 7:35am with Serenity prayer and the reading of Tradition 4, “Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole.”
- Old business
- Group inventory. Fred is the facilitator and Michael the recording secretary. We have decided on the questions. They are on the website. Herb will place the questions in a form members can fill out at their leisure. Fred moved we allow a month for people to fill out the form. Motion passed.
Fred asked if we do the inventory during a meeting, during a business meeting or during a special meeting. The matter was tabled until next month.
- New Business
- Length of time speakers speak at Speaker Meetings. Discussion ensued. Jeff moved we limit speakers to 15 to 20 minutes. Alice seconded the motion. Discussion ensued. Jeff withdrew the motion.
- New meeting opening. Jeff, Linda and Paul will edit the Chairperson’s script and then present it to the members at a business meeting.
- Secretary’s Report. Accepted without exception.
- Treasurers report. The two bank accounts have been combined. The report in full is attached. Herb asked that the prudent reserve be put on the agenda for next month. Paul concurred and then accepted the report without exception.
- GSR report. The district is still being organized. Gratitude Breakfast and Soberfest are both in the works. The Gratitude Breakfast is asking us for books. There were no objections to this.
- Coins and books. No report.
- Service Chair. Nothing new. Service opportunities are listed on the website.
Fred moved the meeting be adjourned. Lisa seconded the motion and it passed unanimously at 9:10am.
Early Morning Zoomers Treasurers Report April 23, 2023.
Citizens Bank Account
Bank Balance $ 970
Income: PayPal + Venmo donations $. 561.38
Expenses: SC 5@ $9.99 $. 50.
Ending Balance $1481.38
Check to GSB to close account -$1481.38
Account closed
Guilford Savings Account March 31 Statement
Beginning balance $570.
Expense $000.
Income $. 4.85
Pending Income From Citizens Account $1481.38
Pending Income. From April donations $. 300.
Pending Expenses outstanding checks
Gratitude Breakfast Tickets — 95.
GSO, Area, District Donations 4th + 1st Qtrs —734.
Prudent Reserve —600.