Paul led group in Serenity Prayer and read Tradition 3
Old Business
Ad hoc committee-cohost committee met and wrote up a document. Liz shared the document moving to change co-host position to an informal arrangement whereas the host opens the meeting and asks available person if they’re able to assist. Herb requested this document be shared in the minutes. Linda shared we have newcomer packet on website.
New Business: None
Secretary report: Deb Absent. Jan as substitute. Herb posted minutes from Feb and they were accepted
Treasurer’s report: Linda reported statement balance of $380.85 with $100 donations. The current balance is $400.85 with $300 prudent reserve leaving $100.85 as available balance.
GSR report: Fred shared DSM Donna A. resigned and that they are always looking for help at the District level. District level 19 meetings are the third Tuesday of the month.
Books & Coins Report: None.
Grapevine Report: None.
Service Chair Report: Ron stated all service positions full
Herb shared GSO is thinking of writing the Big Book in modern language. Herb posted survey on the web and survey results are also posted.
Paul motioned to close meeting. Herb seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 8:52 a.m. New Business meeting will be April 21st, 2024.
Minutes by Jan on behalf of Deb