Minutes for Early Morning Zoomers Business Meeting: Oct 22,2023
Chairperson Paul opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer.
He then read the 10th tradition: “Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”
Old Business
Paul raised the motion from last month’s meeting to eliminate the Waiting room at the beginning of each meeting. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Paul shared a motion from last month’s meeting that the group adopt the Beginner’s Meeting format as related to various AA pamphlets. After some discussion, Paul tabled this motion and asked that the list of Beginner’s Meeting topics be reviewed in next month’s Business Meeting.
Our Prudent Reserve: Linda made a motion to lower our Prudent Reserve from $600 to $300. Herb seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Paul clarified for today’s meeting that there is no record of a previous decision to eliminate the breakout rooms on the day of the Business Meeting.
New Business
Alcathons: Herb moved that we donate $50 to each of the 3 Holiday Alcathons (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s). Lisa seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Literature for New Members: Deb moved that we send new beginners some pertinent AA pamphlets such as the Beginners pamphlets. The group agreed to discuss what pamphlets to send in next month’s Business Meeting. John P is chair of Books & Coins and will be updated on this topic.
Nominations: GG made a motion that when we ask for nominations everyone is unmuted in order for everyone to have a chance to voice a nomination. Deb seconded it. Paul tabled it for next month’s meeting.
GSR Report: Paul shared there is no news to report.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes from September Business Meeting were passed unanimously.
Grapevine Report: Chair, Darlene is not present. No report.
Treasurer’s Report: See attached. Linda shared the Treasurer’s report which passed unanimously.
Coins and Books Report: Chair, John P is not present. No report.
Service Chair Report: Ron P reports all current positions are filled but there are 6 vacant positions coming up.
The meeting was adjourned by Paul at 9:09 am.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Deb B.