Minutes August 20, 2023, Business Meeting Early Morning Zoomers
Chairperson Paul opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer.
He then read the 8th tradition: “Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.”
Old Business:
Michael moved that twice a week the group read parts of More About Alcoholism from the Big Book instead of How It Works at the Beginning of the meeting. Herb seconded the motion. Sylvia asked Michael to amend his motion to make the reading gender neutral. He agreed to do so. Paul suggested that the motion be tabled, that the new suggested gender-neutral version of the reading be posted on the website for all to see, and that the group consider the matter again at the September meeting. The group concurred.
New Business: None
GSR report. Paul suggested the members log on to ct-aa.org and read the Delegate's Report. It contains a lot of information about the inner workings of AA at the Area and GSO level. The Area website also has information about upcoming events, the upcoming group tour of the GSO headquarters in New York City, for example.
Secretary’s Report. There being no changes to the Secretary’s report as posted on the website, Paul accepted the report without exception.
Grapevine Report. None.
Treasurer’s Report: See Attached.
Coins and Books. None
Service Chair Report. Jeff reminded us that the Books/Coins Chair, Service Chair, and Treasurer terms are expiring in September.
There being no further business, Paul adjourned the meeting at 9:10am.
Early Morning Zoomers August 19, 2023 Treasurer’s Report
Bank Statement 7/31/23 Ending Balance 1523.
Deposits pending 200.
Expenses Pending: 1050 EMR picnic 300.
Fourth Q. Donations: GSO 30% 225. Area 11 30% 225. Dist.19 40% 300.
Balance 673. Minus Prudent Reserve 600.
Available Balance $ 73.