I. GSR/Chairperson Terry Z. opened the meeting at 8:35am and led the group in The Serenity Prayer and the reading of the 4rd Tradition: Each group should be autonomous, except in matters affecting other groups or AA as a whole..
II. Secretary's Report. Herb S. asked if there were any corrections to the March minutes. There being no corrections, Herb asked for a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as submitted. Fred moved the minutes be accepted. Lisa seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
III. Treasurer’s Report. No Treasurer's report
IV. GSR Report. Terry reported that he attended the April 21 District 4 meeting. Topics discussed included redistricting and the district treasury No decisions were made at the meeting. Terry suggested that when we each go to other meetings, we try to get GSR contact information to give to DCM Fred P. Fred P. shared a map of the proposed split of District 4 into multiple smaller districts. Under this proposal, Guilford and Branford would be their own districts owing to the great number of groups they have. Herb moved that the GSR report be accepted as submitted. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
V. Coins & Books Report. No report. Jeff moved that Early Morning Zoomers give coins only for month anniversaries and yearly anniversaries. Herb seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
VI. Service Chair Report. Jeff reported that the service commitments are all going smoothly. He announced that Chairperson commitments are turning over on April 28 for Thursdays, May 4 for Wednesdays, May 15 for Sundays and May 20 for Fridays. He then moved that the Chairperson's script be changed as follows:
Our group provides free Big Books for newcomers and anniversary coins. In the chat column is a link to this group's website which has information about this group as well as tips and tools for staying sober in A.A.
{Chairperson - inform any newcomers that they can receive a free Big Book by mail. Ask any anniversarians if they would like a coin by mail. Pass along pertinent info to Book and Coin Chairperson}.
Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Jeff said he will make the changes online immediately. Mary moved the Service Chair report be accepted. Brian seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
VII. Grapevine Report. Mary announced that the idea for a Grapevine raffle had been abandoned for lack of interest. She then moved that a link to the Grapevine website be put on the EMZoomers.com website so members can access the free material there. Alice seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
VIII. Old business. No further old business
IX. New Business. No new business.
Lisa moved the meeting adjourn. Mary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously at 9:05.
Respectively submitted.
Herb S., Secretary.
April 2022 Early Morning Zoomers Treasurer’s Report
Previous Balance: $592.23
Collected: 401.62
Expenses: $0
Balance: $993.785