Early Morning Zoomers

Meets Daily at 7:30am

Minutes 11/26/2023 Business Meeting

Chairperson Paul opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer.

He then read the 10th tradition: “Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”

Old Business

Literature Packet to send to New Beginners:  After a robust discussion about various pamphlets that may be good to send to New Beginnings, Paul asked that a working group takes the next step to meet and discuss this further and prepare some recommendations for our next Business Meeting. Volunteers included Michael, Sarah, Ron, Linda, and John P.

Unmuting the group when asking for nominations:  Paul asked that this be included as part of any nomination -  that all people are invited to unmute by the host.

Proposal for Beginners Meeting topics:  Fred made a motion that it is suggested to the chair of the Beginners meeting to refer to the AA pamphlet about Running a Beginner’s Meeting. The motion was seconded and then passed unanimously.

New Business    No new business

GSR Report:  Paul shared that District 19 has created a pamphlet that lists all the local meetings. It will be coming out in a couple of weeks.

Secretary’s Report:  Minutes from the October Business Meeting were passed unanimously.

Grapevine Report: Chair, Darlene is not present. No report.

Treasurer’s Report:  See attached. Linda shared the Treasurer’s report which passed unanimously.

Coins and Books Report: John P reports on current activity.

Service Chair Report: Ron P reports all current positions are filled except 2.

The meeting was adjourned by Paul at 9:08 am.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Deb B.
