I. GSR Terry Z. opened the meeting at 8:35am and led the group in The Serenity Prayer and the reading of the 1th Tradition.
II. Secretary's Report. Herb S. asked if there were any corrections to the December minutes. There being no corrections, Herb asked for a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting as submitted. Lisa moved the minutes be accepted. Fred seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
III. Treasurer’s Report. Ashley gave the December report (see attached). There being no questions or comments, Terry asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Herb so moved. Lisa seconded it and it passed unanimously.
IV. GSR Report. Terry reported that he attended the January 20 District 4 meeting. The main topic of the meeting was the redistricting of District 4 which may take between a year and two years to accomplish. Herb moved the report be accepted. Ashley seconded the motion and is passed unanimously.
V. Coins & Books Report. Kerri reported that she is not receiving requests for coins and books by email. Herb said he will check the email being used for coins and books. Lisa moved the report be accepted. Ashley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
VI. Service Chair Report. Jeff reported that the service commitments are all going smoothly. In answer to a question, he advised that terms for all service commitments can be found on the group website. Moreover, the chairperson's script on the website is the current script.
VII. Grapevine Report. Mary was not present.
VIII. Old Business. Terry brought up the matter of posting Grapevine articles to the website. Dan A. reported he has been in touch with the Grapevine office. They would like us to request permission to reprint Grapevine articles on the website. Discussion ensued without consensus on a resolution. Herb moved that the matter be tabled until such a time that Mary, our Grapevine Representative, is present. Taylor seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
IX. New Business: Jess asked the group about the policy of announcing the speaker at the Saturday speaker meeting. Discussion ensued. Ashley moved that the matter be tabled until the next meeting. There was no second. Further discussion ensued. Ashley then moved that the Chairperson of the speaker meeting introduce the speaker each week unless he/she assigns the introduction to someone else. Keri seconded the motion and it passed.
Jeff moved the meeting adjourn. Herb seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Respectively submitted.
Herb S., Secretary.
December 2021 Early Morning Zoomers Treasurer’s Report
Previous Balance: $749.93
Disbursements: 0
Collected: 110.81
Expenses: Grapevine Subscription: 47.97
Balance: 812.77
Prudent Reserve: 600