Chairperson Paul led the group in the Serenity Prayer.
Old Business.
Beginners meeting: Sara reported that the Beginners Meeting Ad Hoc committee met. Two pamphlets chosen: AA For You and The Newcomers Asks. The idea is to send a welcome letter to the newcomers. A draft was done that will be put on the web page. The welcome letter will be accompanied by the two pamphlets and a meeting schedule. Someone will be available to get contact information from the newcomers so the letter can be sent. Ron P. will work out those details.
New Business.
Co-hosts will have new guidelines. Working those out will go on new business for the next meeting. Sylvia volunteered for the open co-host position. Jeff asked if details of the Southern Bell Celebration announcement can go on the web site. The group approved by acclimation.
Steve D said that the Quaker type meeting is inappropriate for this group. Sylvia moved that the word Quaker be taken out of the meeting style description. Michael seconded the motion. Paul decided to table the motion until the next meeting.
Secretary’s report.
The Secretary’s report has been on the website for two weeks for all to see. Paul asked for questions or comments. There being none, Paul approved the report.
Treasurer’s Report: As of the last meeting, the prudent reserve is now $300. Consequently, $300 became available for distribution, which was done. The bank balance is $466.64-300, so after the prudent reserve, we have $166.64 available for distribution. There being no questions or comments, Paul approved the report.
GSR report: The new District 19 meeting schedule trifold is in the works. There being no questions or comments, Paul approved the report.
Service Chair. All positions are filled now. There being no questions or comments, Paul approved the report.
Grapevine Report. None.
Paul adjourned the meeting at 9am.