I. GSR Terry Z opened the meeting at 8:35am and led the group in the Serenity Prayer and the reading of the 10th Tradition.
II. Secretary's Report. Herb S asked for a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting. Mary moved the minutes be accepted, Fred seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Herb reported that an application to the GSO for Early Morning Zoomers membership had been accepted and a membership number will be coming soon. He also reported that he has sent updates for the group listing to aa-ct.org schedules. Terry asked for a motion to accept the Secretary’s report. Mary so moved. Fred seconded the motion and it passed unanimously
III. Treasurer’s Report. Ashley reported that the group received $165.74 in donations last month, $248.93 this month, for a total treasury balance of $414.67. Terry asked for a motion to accept the report. Molly so moved. Mary seconded and it passed unanimously.
IV. GSR Report. Terry reported that the district voted at the last meeting to redistrict District 4. The next step is to decide how that might be done. He also reported that the district has hired a new contractor to run the telephone answering service. Kerri moved that the GSR report be accepted. Fred seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
V. Coins & Books Report. Kerri reported that there is nothing to report yet. Ashley moved that the Chairperson’s script mention that the group gives free big books to newcomers and coins to newcomers and people with anniversaries, and that the chairperson can be chatted by anyone who qualifies. The chairperson will then notify Kerri with the contact information. Molly seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Jeff volunteered to composed wording to that effect and send it to the group for perusal.
VI. Service Chair Report. Jeff reported that new group service positions will be opening soon. He also reported that the Service Committee had met and recommends the following for service job terms:
GSR, Secretary, Treasurer, Service Chair, Grapevine Chair and Coins and Books Chair will all be two-year terms. The current officers will mark their time from September 12, 2021.
The Speaker Seeker term will be six months. The current Speaker Seeker's term will also mark from September 12, 2021.
Host and security positions will be one year with one year sobriety required.
Mary moved and Herb seconded a motion to accept these recommendations and the motion passed unanimously.
Mary moved and Jeff seconded a motion to make chairpersons’ terms 12 weeks. The motion passed unanimously.
VII. Old Business. There was no old business.
VIII. New Business. There was no new business.
Mary moved the meeting adjourn. Ashley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Respectively submitted.
Herb S. Secretary.
Addendum. Jeff followed up with this wording for the Chairpersons' script:
"Our group provides free Big Books and 24 Hour coins for the newcomers, as well as anniversary coins for our members. Please message me or the host of this meeting for more info."
Perhaps insert after anniversaries but before announcements.