1/1: When someone tries to control their drinking, they've already lost control.
1/2: Every day can be a new beginning.
1/3: We in AA don't carry the alcoholic. We carry the message.
1/4: Sobriety delivers everything alcohol promised.
1/5: They're called "The Promises", not "The Possibilities."
1/6: Keeping sober is the most important thing in my life.
1/7: God steers the boat, but you need to row.
1/8: HOW= Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness
1/9: Slogans are wisdom written in shorthand.
1/10: Active alcoholics don't have relationships. They take hostages.
1/11: Every day is a gift. That's why we call it the present.
1/12: If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.
1/13: Old timers stay sober one day at a time, just like everyone else.
1/14: Listen at meetings. What you hear might save your life.
1/15: Identify, don't compare.
1/16: AA has a wrench to fit every nut that walks in the door.
1/17: AA spoils your drinking.
1/18: My worse day sober is better than my best day drunk.
1/19: Right action is the key to good living.
1/20: Trust God, clean house, help others.
1/21: It's alcohol-ism, not alcohol wasm.
1/22: All you need to start a new meeting is a resentment and a coffee pot.
1/23: Let go of those useless thoughts.
1/24: The first phrase to recovery: "I need help."
1/25: Every bottom has a trap door.
1/26: A difficult admission: "I was wrong."
1/27: AA works for people who believe in God. AA works for people who don't believe in God. AA Doesn't work for people who think they are God.
1/28: I will try to live through this day only and not tackle all my life's problems at once.
1/29: Pain is the touchstone of spiritual growth.
1/30: The road to disappointment is paved with expectations.
1/31: All else aside, just don't drink no matter what.
2/1: Guilt is the gift that keeps on taking.
2/2: The flip side of resentment is forgiveness.
2/3: Fear and faith can't live in the same house.
2/4: Drinking for depression is like throwing gasoline on a fire to put it out.
2/5: A problem shared is a problem halved.
2/6: Too many years and not enough days.
2/7: Ask for help.
2/8: Switching additions is like changing chairs on the Titanic.
2/9: Do the next right thing.
2/10: Don't leave before the miracle happens.
2/11: Keep coming.
2/12: Plan that drink for tomorrow.
2/13: Don't let them rent space in your head.
2/14: Recovery is more a steady walk than a marathon.
2/15: Don't drink and go to meetings.
2/16: Think the drink through.
2/17: Easy does it.
2/18 Fake it 'til you make it.
2/19: It works if you work it, you die if you don't.
2/20: First things first.
2/21: The promise is happiness. Wait for it.
2/22: Half measures availed us nothing.
2/23: Keep an attitude of gratitude.
2/24: HOW: Honest, open and willing.
2/25: I didn't get in trouble every time I drank, but every time I got in trouble I was drinking.
2/26: Sick and tired of being sick and tired.
2/27: Guilt is interest on a loan you don't owe.
2/28: Let go.
3/1: Don't drink, go to meetings and ask for help.
3/2: Ninety in ninety.
3/3: I have a disease that want me dead, but will settle for miserable.
3/4: Surrender to win.
3/5: The first step is the only one you need to work perfectly.
3/6: AA is a simple program for complicated people.
3/7:I can't do this alone.
3/8:This is a disease, not a disgrace.
3/9: Make your recovery as progressive as your disease.
3/10: Trust the process
3/11: Whatever you put in front of your sobriety is the first thing you’re going to lose if you drink..
3/12: When you get hit by a train, it's not the caboose that kills you.
3/13: In it's simplest form, AA is is a program of love and service.
3/14: While you're working on your recovery, your addiction is doing pushups.
3/15: You can't think your way into better living, but you can live your way into better thinking.
3/16: Principals before Personalities
3/17: The steps are suggestions the way pulling the parachute cord is.
3/18: Let go or get dragged.
3/19: In AA we're all learners and all teachers.
3/20: TIME. This I Must Earn.
3/21: Seven days without AA makes one weak.
3/22: HALT=Hungry, Angry. Lonely, Tired
3/23: The 12 steps protect us from drinking, the 12 traditions protect AA from us.
3/24: The steps ARE the AA program.
3/25: Faith without works is dead.
3/26: No change, no change.
3/27: Willingness is where it all starts.
3/28: When a person tries to control their drinking, they have already lost control.
3/29: The big lie: I can drink normally now.
3/30: A.A.’s Three Legacies: Recovery, Unity and Service!
3/31: FEAR=False Evidence Appearing Real.
4/1: Don't let the words get in the way of the message.
4/2: Go to ninety meetings in ninety days. Then do it again, and again, and again...
4/3: Forgive yourself.
4/4: When feeling self pity, work on your gratitude list.
4/5: The results are in God's hands.
4/6: Nothing is so bad that drinking can't make it worse. Northing is so good that drinking can't wreck it.
4/7: The people we were will always drink. We have to change.
4/8: If you don't get the program stick around until it gets you.
4/9: When April Showers Come your way, they bring the flowers that come in May.
4/10: Breath.
4/11: You may deserve a reward, but a drink is never a reward. It's always a penalty.
4/12: The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God can't take care of you.
4/13: Be careful what you pray for.
4/14: The first drink changes everything.
4/15: Ask for help.
4/16: To stay sober we need constant vigilance.
4/17: We have a daily reprieve based on out spiritual condition.
4/18: Sobriety is at the top of every gratitude list.
4/19: Take the first step every day.
4/20: They're called the promises, not the possibilities.
4/21: Go to meetings as often as you drank.
4/22: Gratitude is the remedy for self pity.
4/23: A.A. It works if you work it. You're worth it.
4/24: Treat yourself as well as you treat others.
4/25: Have a recovery routine and stick to it.
4/26: It's a program of constant vigilance.
4/27: Call your sponsor.
4/28: The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.
4/29: Our slogans are simple truths.
4/30: I had problems in areas where I used to not have areas.
5/1: You can't keep it unless you give it away.
5/2: The awful awakening to the hideous four horsemen - Terror, Bewilderment, Frustration and Despair.
5/3: Behave. You're the only Big Book some people will ever see.
5/4: Easy does it.
5/5: Wear the world like a loose garment.
5/6: Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.
5/7: Sobriety delivers everything drinking promised.
5/8: Active alcoholics don't have relationships, they take hostages.
5/9: Smile. It will change your world.
5/10: As long as you let your higher power drive the bus you're safe.
5/11: Every day is a gift. That's why we call it the present.
5/12: Time wasted getting even can never be used to get ahead.
5/13: Some people are so successful in AA that they turn out to be almost as successful as they thought they were when they were drinking.
5/14: Pain is the touchstone of our spiritual development.
5/15: Our character defects are obstacles to recovery.
5/16: If not a day at a time, then an hour at a time.
6/17: Don't compare. Identify.
5/18: A path with no obstacles probably doesn't lead anywhere.
5/19: It's the engine that gets you, not the caboose.
5/20: RULE 62... Don't take yourself so damn seriously!!
5/21: If you hang around a barber shop you may eventually get a haircut.
5/22: The power is in the rooms.
5/23: Live right today and tomorrow will take care of itself.
5/24:My worse day sober is better than my best day drunk.
5/25: When all else fails read the directions. They're in the Big Book.
5/26: Some days, it's one hour at a time.
5/27: Faith is our greatest gift. Sharing it is our greatest responsibility.
5/28: Fake it 'till you make it
5/29: Trust God, clean house, help others.
5/30: Anonymity is so important it's half our name.
5/31: The person I was will always drink. I have to change.
6/1: All you need for a new meeting is a resentment and a coffee pot.
6/2: It's Alcohol(is)m, not alcoh0l(was)m
6/3: Four sentences to freedom and happiness: I'm sorry. I was wrong. I need help. I don't know.
6/4: First things first.
6/5: We seek spiritual progress, not spiritual perfection.
6/6: Find a daily recovery routine that works for you.
6/7: FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real.
6/8: "And Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today."
6/9: Slow but sure.
6/10: Right action is the key to good living.
6/11:: Keep it simple.
6/12: "Coincidence" is a miracle God wishes to keep anonymous.
6/13: AA paradox 1: From weakness (adversity) comes strength.
6/14: AA Paradox #2: We forgive to be forgiven.
6/15: AA Paradox #3: We give it away to keep it.
6/16: AA Paradox #4: We suffer to get well.
6/17: AA Paradox #5: We surrender to win.
6/18: Paradox #6: From darkness comes light.
6/19: AA Paradox #7: From dependence we found independence
6/20: Pain is the touchstone of our spiritual development.
6/21: Denial is not a river in Egypt.
6/22: This too shall pass.
6/23: Expectations are disappointments waiting to happen.
6/24: Courage is not absence of fear. It's taking action even when afraid.
6/25: Guilt? Take responsibility then forgive yourself.
6/26: Fear is defeated by faith.
6/27: Depression is anger turned inward.
6/28: If it's meant to be I can't stop it. If it isn't, I can't make it happen.
6/29: Some people make things happen. Some people watch things happen. Some people don't know what happened. Which are you?
6/30: Don't drink, go to meetings and ask for help.
7/1: Nothing's so bad that drinking can't make it worse. Nothing's so good that drinking can't wreck it.
7/2: Do the next right thing.
7/3: Come all the way in and sit all the way down.
7/4: Don't leave before the miracle happens.7/5: Don't let other people's words define you.
7/5: Don't let other people's words define you.
7/6: Don't let people rent space in your head.
7/7: Don't drink and go to meetings.
7/8: Fake it 'till you make it.
7/9: First things First.
7/10: G.O.D. Good Orderly Direction.
7/11: G.O.D. Group Of Drunks.
7/12: AA gives us what we always wanted and didn't know we wanted.
7/13: You may not always get what you want, but if you live right, you will always get what you need.
7/14: There but for the grace of God go I.
7/15: Half measures availed us nothing.
7/16: Have an attitude of gratitude.
7/17: H.O.W. - Honest, Open, and Willing
7/18: I can't; He can; I think I'll let Him.
7/19: I didn’t get in trouble every time I drank; but every time I got in trouble I was drinking.
7?20: If you don't drink, you won’t get drunk.
7/21: In Sobriety, there are good times and growth times.
7/22: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
7/23: It takes what it takes.
7/24: I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
7/25: If nothing changes, nothing changes.
7/26: If you are not completely satisfied with AA, your misery will be promptly refunded.
7/26: If you are not completely satisfied with AA, your misery will be promptly refunded.
7/27: If you don't get this program, stick around until it gets you.
7/28: If you don't remember your last drunk, you haven't had it yet.
7/29:If you hang out in a barbershop, you just might get a haircut.
7/30: Every bottom has a trap door.
7/31: It works if you work it
8/1:It's no fun having a belly full of alcohol, if you have a head full of AA.
8/2: Keep coming back.
8/3:Keep it simple.
8/4: Let go and let God.
8/5: Live and let Live.
8/6: Identify, don't compare.
8/7: Meeting makers make it.
8/8: I have a disease that wants to kill me.
8/9: Do ninety meetings in ninety days.
8/10: One day at a time.
8/11: If you don't drink, you won't get drunk.
8/12: One is too many and a thousand is not enough.
8/13: Play the tape all the way through.
8/14: Poor me, poor me, pour me another drink.
8/15: Relapse is a process, not an event
8/16: Our common welfare comes first.
8/17: Stick with the winners
8/18: Stinkin’ Thinkin’
8/19: Surrender to win.
8/20: Take the suggestions.
8/21: Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth.
8/22: The first step is the only one you have to work perfectly.
8/23: They call it Alcohol-‘ism’, not Alcohol-‘wasm’.
8/24: This disease is bigger than me, but it's not bigger than us.
8/25: This is a disease, not a disgrace.
8/26: I came to AA because I had to. Now I come to AA because I want to.
8/27: Relieve me of the bondage of self.
8/28: This is a simple program for complicated people.
8/29: I get drunk. We get sober.
8/30: It's a simple program but it's not easy.
8/31: This too shall pass.
9/1: Turn it over.
9/2: Don't make any big changes the first year.
9/3: Move a muscle, change a thought.
9/4: If you hang out in barber shops, you'll eventually get a hair cut.
9/5: Take the alcohol from the alcoholic and you still have the "ic."
9/6: More will be revealed
9/7: Dare to be boring.
9/8: It's the engine that gets you, not the caboose.
9/9: Join the "I don't drink no matter what" club.
9/10: Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth.
9/11: Keep your sobriety independent from life's ups and downs.
9/12: Does it have to be said? Does it have to be said by me? Does it have to be said now?
9/13: We are not bad people trying to get good, we are sick people trying to get well.
9/14: Come all the way in and sit all the way down.
9/15: We don’t trip over mountains; we trip over molehills.
9/16: We have a disease that tells us: we don’t have a disease.
9/17: Whatever you put in front of your sobriety is the first thing you’ll lose if you drink.
9/18: When all else fails, working with another alcoholic saves the day.
9/19: While you're in your meeting, your disease is outside in the parking lot doing pushups.
9/20: If your butt falls off, put it in a bag and bring it to a meeting.
9/21: Live well. You might be the only Big Book most people will ever see.
9/22: You can't think your way into better living, but you can live your way into better thinking.
9/23: You have to give it away to keep it.
9/24: Your best thinking got you here.
9/25: Ask for help.
9/26: Easy does it.
9/27: First things first.
9/28: Live and let live.
9/29: There but for the grace of God.
9/30: Think..think..think.
10/1: One day at a time.
10/2: Let go and let God.
10/3: KISS. Keep it simple stupid.
10/4: This is a program of love and service.
10/5: This too shall pass.
10/6: Don't leave before the miracle happens.
10/7: Nothing's so bad that drinking can't make it worse. Nothing's so good, that drinking can't wreck it.
10/8: Keep coming back. It works if you work it.
10/9: Stick with the winners.
10/10: Try to stay right size.
10/11: Sobriety is a journey, not a destination.
10/12: Faith without works is dead.
10/13: Poor me, poor me, pour me a drink.
10/14: To thine own self be true
10/15: I came. I came to. I came to believe.
10/16: Be where your feet are.
10/17: If God seems far away, who moved?
10/18: Turn it over.
10/19: Nothing is so bad that drinking can't make it worse. And nothing is so good that drinking can't wreck it.
10/20: We're only as sick as our secrets.
10/21: AA=Attitude Adjustment.
10/22: HOW. Honesty, openness and willingness.
10/23: Pain is the touchstone of our spiritual development.
10/24: Sponsors. Have one, use one , be one.
10/25: More will be revealed.
10/26: It works if you work it.
10/27: Let go or be dragged.
10/28: Just for today.
10/29: You will be amazed.
10/30: We're all here because we're not all there.
10/31: Alcohol is an equal opportunity destroyer.
11/1: AA is a simple program for complicated people.
11/2: It's God's time, not my time.
11/3: Have a good day. Unless you have other plans.
11/4: 90 meetings in 90 days.
11/5: Check your motives
11/6: You are not alone.
11/7: Make your recovery as progressive as your disease.
11/8: Don't drink and go to meetings!
11/9: No matter where you go, there you are.
11/10: Pick up that 1,000 pound phone.
11/11: Identify, don't compare.
11/12: Remember your last drunk.
11/13: Alcoholism is progressive, incurable and fatal.
11/14: Make a gratitude list. Start with your sobriety.
11/15: Share your blessings and your pain.
11/16: Forgiveness overcomes resentment.
11/17: Change is a process, not an event.
11/18: Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth.
11/19: Call someone before you drink.
11/20: I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
11/21: It's the engine that gets you, not the caboose.
11/22: To keep it, you have to give it away.
11/23: The greater the inconvenience of the service, the greater the reward.
11/24: Gratitude is the solution to self-pity and resentment.
11/25: Help is just a phone call away.
11/26: You can't keep it if you don't give it away.
11/27: One drink is too many, a thousand is not enough.
11/28: Keep coming.
11/29: Anger is one letter away from danger.
11/30: Bring the body and the mind will follow.
12/1/: AA is not a club. It's a way of life.
12/2: We can be positive that our drinking was negative.
12/3: Humility is not thinking less of ourselves. It's thinking of ourselves less.
12/4. I thought drinking was the best thing that ever happened to me and it turned out to be the worse. I thought A.A was the worse thing that ever happened to me, and it turned out to be the best.
12/5: Pain shared is halved. Joy shared is doubled.
12/6: Backsliding begins when knee bending ends.
12/7: If I think, I won't drink. If I drink, I can't think.
12/8: The first step in overcoming mistakes is to admit them.
12/9: AA is a program of love and service.12/10: Sorrow is looking back. Worry is looking forward. Live one day at a time.
12/10: Sorrow is looking back. Worry is looking forward. Live one day at a time.
12/11: You will know a new freedom and a new happiness.
12/12: The God of your understanding.
12/13: You received without cost. Now give without charge.
12/14: If you drank every day back then, go to AA every day now.
12/15: My sobriety is the most important thing in my life!
12/16: Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but rather calm within the storm.
12/17: AA teaches us to laugh and reminds us we cried.
12/18: When you do all the talking, you only learn what you already know.
12/19: Take Time To Think The Drink Through.
12/20: When you're scared, don't drink. When you're angry, don't drink. When you're lonely, don't drink. Just don't drink no matter what.
12/21: Nothing's so bad, that drinking can't make it worse. Nothing's so good that drinking can't wreck it.
12/22 We all have another drunk in us, but maybe not another recovery.
12/23: The people we were will always drink. We have to change.
12/24: To be forgiven, we must forgive.
12/25: Don't leave before the miracle happens.
12/26: When we surrender, the journey begins.
12/27: He had too many years and not enough days.
12/28: Knowing the solution to our drinking problem is not enough. We need to practice the solution.
12/29: HALT. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
12/30: Faith without works is dead.
12/31: One day at a time
An oxymoron walks into a bar. The silence was deafening.
A misplaced modifier walks into a bar and sits next to a man with a glass eye named Jack.
A simile walks into a bar parched as a desert.
A metaphor walked into a bar. It was paradise.
A hyperbole walked into a bar. It was the best bar in the world.
A euphemism walks into a bar and proceeded to get very "over served."
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