Early Morning Zoomers

Meets Daily at 7:30am

EMZ Business Meeting Minutes October 20, 2024 

Paul started the meeting with the Serenity Prayer and read Tradition 10: “Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”

Old Business: None

New Business:  Linda made a motion that the group donate $50 to each of the upcoming Holiday Alkathons (Thanksgiving in Clinton; Christmas in Branford; New Year’s in Guilford) provided they are happening. The motion was seconded and then passed unanimously.

 Secretary report: The minutes for the September meeting are posted on our website. The report was accepted without objection.

Treasurer’s Report:  Linda reported on deposits and debits since July 2024. See attached Treasurer’s report for details.  

GSR report: Paul reported that last week’s meeting theme was “service”. He will be preparing a summary list of all needed service opportunities within the District.

Currently there is a need for volunteers for the Answering Service.

The AA Answering Service is 1-866-Steps12. Anyone can call to: 1) speak to an alcoholic of the same gender; 2) to find a local meeting; 3) for any other CT AA info or treatment links.

Paul’s commitment as GSR is up in December. In next month’s Business Meeting, we will elect a new GSR. John P as current alternate GSR is willing to take the service unless there are other nominees.

Books & Coins Report:  John P reports that there were a couple of anniversaries this month.

Grapevine Report: Darlen was not present. No report.

Service Chair Report: Ron was not present but reported to Paul no current issues.

 Next Business Meeting will be Sunday, Nov. 24, 8:30am.

Meeting adjourned at 8:48am. 


