Early Morning Zoomers

Meets Daily at 7:30am

EMZ Business Meeting Minutes September 22, 2024 

Paul started the meeting with the

Serenity Prayer and read Tradition 9: “A.A., as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.”

Old Business: 

  • From last month’s meeting, Fred made a motion that we put a 3 minute timer on the screen during meetings when people are sharing so they know when to wrap up. The motion was tabled to be revisited in today’s Business Meeting.
  • Fred asked to withdraw the motion after he got feedback from several meeting members.  Motion is withdrawn.

New Business:  None

Secretary report: The minutes for the August meeting are posted on our website. The report was accepted without objection.

Treasurer’s Report:  Linda was not present. No Treasurer’s report.

GSR report: Fred provided an update that the 3 close districts (19,20,21) are considering a joint service day event because each is having trouble filling service positions.

The AA Answering Service is 1-866-Steps12. Anyone can call to: 1) speak to an alcoholic of the same gender; 2) to find a local meeting; 3) for any other CT AA info or treatment links.

Books & Coins Report:  John P reports that “Business is slow.”

Grapevine Report: Darlen was not present. No report.

Service Chair Report: Ron was not present. No report.

Feedback given to Herb that recently new members to our meeting have complemented the EM Zoomers website as a helpful and comprehensive resource. Thanks Herb.

Next Business Meeting will be Sunday, Nov. 20, 8:30am.

Meeting adjourned at 8:48am. 

Minutes submitted by Deb B.
